
Caramel Pecan Baked Apples

Cosy season is here to stay with these comforting baked apples, bursting with sweetness and covered in thick, gooey caramel sauce! A tasty twist to an old favourite!

Caramel Pecan Baked Apples

What apples are best to use for baked apples?

The best apples to use for baked apples are those that hold their shape and offer a balance of sweet and tart flavours. Some excellent choices include: Pink Lady, Bradley, Discovery and Jazz.

Remember that personal taste plays a role, so you might want to experiment with a few varieties to find the one that suits your preferences best.

My personal preference is Pink Lady apples

What other fillings can you use for baked apples?

You can fill baked apples with a wide variety of delicious ingredients. Here are some popular options, and feel free to mix and match more than one o them!

  1. Brown Sugar and Cinnamon Mixture: A classic and simple filling that complements the natural sweetness of the apples.
  2. Oats and Granola: Create a crunchy and hearty filling by mixing oats or granola with butter, sugar, and spices.
  3. Nuts (such as Pecans or Walnuts): Chopped nuts add a delightful crunch and a nutty flavour to the baked apples.
  4. Dried Fruits (such as Cranberries or Raisins): Dried fruits provide a chewy texture and a burst of sweetness.
  5. Caramel or Butterscotch Sauce: Drizzle caramel or butterscotch sauce over the apples for a rich, indulgent treat.
  6. Cream Cheese or Mascarpone: A creamy cheese filling can add a luscious and tangy contrast to the sweet apples.
  7. Maple Syrup and Pecans: Combine the rich flavour of maple syrup with chopped pecans for a decadent filling.
  8. Gingerbread Crumbs: Crushed gingerbread cookies mixed with butter and spices make for a unique and flavourful filling.
  9. Creamy Nut Butter (such as Almond or Peanut Butter): A dollop of nut butter adds creaminess and a nutty flavor.
  10. Cheesecake Filling: Create a cheesecake-inspired filling with cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla extract for a decadent treat.
  11. Chocolate Chips or Chunks: Chocolate chips or chunks add a delightful touch of indulgence.
  12. Lemon Zest and Candied Ginger: Grated lemon zest and chopped candied ginger create a zesty, spicy filling.

Remember to core the apples in the steps above before baking. You can get creative and mix and match these fillings to create your own unique baked apple recipes!

Fresh from the oven and delicious with caramel sauce and a little ice cream!