
Good Morning Matcha Latte

A bright and colourful alternative to your standard morning coffee!

Good Morning Matcha Latte

What is matcha?

It's a Japanese green tea powder made from finely powdered dried tea leaves. A few years back I trekked the Gt Wall of China for charity and I remember every Starbucks I went in had green tea EVERYTHING, from lattes, to cheesecakes and everything inbetween. A matcha latte is a really mellow way to enjoy it and here is a really simple recipe. I have a deli local to me that sells matcha powder but it is really easy to get hold of at places like Amazon etc.

Add your matcha to a glass and dissolve with two tablespoons of hot water until you have a thin paste. Stir in your agave if using, and fill your glass with cubes of ice. There will be plenty of gaps in between for your milk. Warm your milk and froth with a handheld frother if you have one, then pour over your ice cubes. As soon as the milk hits the matcha it creates the most beautiful swirls!

Here comes those swirls!

Let me know if you give this a try and what you think of matcha! It's also worth mentioning this recipe isn't exclusive to coconut milk and any milk will work.