
Mini Gingerbread House Mug Toppers

Adorable mug topper sized gingerbread houses - the perfect seasonal touch to a mug of cocoa!

Mini Gingerbread House Mug Toppers

What makes a good gingerbread house?

Creating the perfect gingerbread house dough involves finding the right balance of ingredients to achieve a flavorful, sturdy, and easy-to-work-with dough. I have shared my gingerbread house dough recipe below, and here are a few tips too:

  1. Royal Icing is Key: Royal icing is the glue that holds your gingerbread house together. Make sure it's thick and sturdy. You can adjust the consistency by adding more powdered sugar if needed. It acts as both the adhesive and the snow-like decoration.
  2. Create Templates (or in this case use a cutter):Use templates for cutting out the gingerbread pieces. This ensures uniformity and helps your house fit together properly. You can find templates online or create your own based on your design. If using online templates, print them out and stick them to cardboard for ease when cutting out your shapes.
  3. Decorate Before Assembly: It's often easier to decorate individual pieces before assembling the house. This allows for more detailed and intricate designs. Decorate the roof panels, windows, and other components separately before attaching them.