
Mummy Monster Rice Krispie Marshmallow Squares

These no bake spooky treats are quick and easy to make and only require 6 ingredients!

Mummy Monster Rice Krispie Marshmallow Squares

Tips for making home made Rice Krispie treats!

Making marshmallow Krispie bars, also known as Rice Krispies treats, is a simple and fun process. Here are some tips to help you make them perfectly:

  1. Use Fresh Ingredients: Ensure your marshmallows and butter are fresh and not expired. Fresh marshmallows will melt more smoothly.
  2. Low Heat and Patience: Melt the butter over low heat to avoid scorching. Patience is key here; rushing can result in uneven melting.
  3. Stir Constantly: Once you add the marshmallows, stir constantly until they're completely melted. This helps prevent any clumps or overcooking.
  4. Optimal Pan Size: Use a pan that is appropriately sized for the batch. Too large a pan can result in thin bars, while too small can lead to overly thick ones.
  5. Prep the Pan: Grease the baking dish or pan to prevent sticking. You can use butter, non-stick spray, or greaseproof paper.
  6. Work Quickly: Once the marshmallows are melted, work efficiently to mix in the cereal. The mixture will start to set as it cools - and this will happen quicker than you think!
  7. Gradual Addition of Cereal: Add the cereal in batches, stirring gently to ensure even coating. This helps prevent crushing the cereal.
  8. Optional Add-Ins: If you want to add extras like chocolate chips, nuts, or dried fruits, fold them in gently after mixing in the cereal.
  9. Press Firmly: Use a spatula or greaseproof paper to press the mixture firmly into the pan. This helps create bars that hold their shape.
  10. Let Them Set: Allow the bars to cool and set at room temperature for at least an hour. Don't rush this step by refrigerating, as it can make the bars hard and less chewy.
  11. Cut with a Sharp Knife: Use a sharp knife to cut the bars. If the knife starts to get sticky, wipe it clean with a kitchen towel before making the next cut.
  12. Store Properly: Store the bars in an airtight container at room temperature. Avoid stacking them directly on top of each other, as they can stick together.
  13. Variations and Experimentation: Don't be afraid to experiment with different types of cereals, flavoured marshmallows, or mix-ins to create your own unique twist on the classic recipe.