
No Bake Mini Egg Cheesecake

My Mini Egg obsession continues and today I buried them in a cheesecake! Not only is this recipe super speedy to prepare, it is great for making in advance - perfect for an Easter table showstopper!

No Bake Mini Egg Cheesecake

Best made in advance

How long does a cheesecake need to set? Due to the setting time for this cheesecake it is best made in advance (a minimum of 4-5 hours), ideally the night before. This makes life easy if it's a dessert as it gives you less to worry about if you have lot's of cooking on the go at once. Not allowing enough time to set could result in the filling being extra loose or the cheesecake not holding it's shape.

What size tin should I use for my cheesecake?

I like to use a 7" tin as it means you get a deeper fill to your cheesecake. Free free to use a bigger tin, just keep in mind the cheesecake won't be as deep.